It all begins with an idea.



  • Redefined Ads Measurement product strategy, and provide quantitative opportunity sizing through JTBD.

  • 5 usability testings in 2 months; From design validation to content testing, using interviews, prototyping, card sort and survey.

  • 26-day diary study with 63 participants across 2 countries

  • Leverage past research insights to inform current design

  • Develop user empathy by engaging cross-functional partners into moderating diary studies

  • Launch large-scale surveys in multiple languages, and integrate with user log-in data. Inlcluding both in-product and off-platform surveys

Contract Work

2020 - 2022

  • We consider how to build a voice assistance system that is both efficient and emotionally intelligent.

  • We built real-time fatigue detection.

  • Trained over 20 junior-level UX Researcher & Data Scientists

Graduate Research & Internship Projects


last updated: Jan, 2019; More recent updates available upon request